How to update Node.CSS to put icon inside an input element in a form.How to insert spaces/tabs in text using HTML/CSS?.

This is caused by the styles setting in your Doc. If we misunderstood your requirement, kindly elaborate your requirement with clear description (like screenshot of your output or expected output document), Thereby we will analyse further on your requirement and update you appropriate solution at the earliest. When generating document using Fill-in doc my table always start on new page instead of following the previous paragraph. Note: If you use the second button to remove the complete paragraph, then the two tables in the generated Word document will looks like single table while viewing the generated document in Microsoft Word application but in file level it is preserved as two table.

Please find the sample from below link and let us know if it helps. On further analyzing your requirement, to remove the pagebreak in between two tables as equivalent to Word, we have prepared a demo sample using DocIO with two buttons to illustrate your requirement.The first button removes the pagebreak from the paragraph if the paragraph has pagebreak and present in between two tables and the second button removes the entire paragraph if the paragraph has pagebreak and present in between two tables. Thank you for contacting Syncfusion support.